Addiction Support in Liverpool
If you would like support and guidance with managing your addiction, are worried you might be addicted to a substance or activity, or are adversely affected by someone else's addiction, then there are services and groups local to you that can help. Follow the links to their websites to find out more.
Offers free counselling and support to people adversely affected by gambling, included affected partners, family members, and friends.
Phone number: 0151 226 0696
Offers face-to-face, online, and telephone therapeutic support and treatment for people experiencing gambling harm, as well as family and friends who are impacted by gambling. Their helpline is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
Phone number: 0808 8020 133
Lark Lane Community Centre provides a variety of activities, events and workshops for the local community, run by St Michael's and Lark Lane Community Association (SMLLCA). They also run Narcotic Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous groups, which both operate on a drop-in basis.
Phone Number: 0151 728 7884
Cocaine Anonymous is a free group who share experiences and support one another with the common goal of recovering from addiction. They hold in-person meetings regularly, details below:
Friday Night Solution Meeting
- 7.15pm - 8.15pm
- 410 Stanley Rd, Bootle, L20 5AE
Phone number: 0800 612 0225
Offers specialist addiction treatment exclusively to military veterans, reservists, emergency personnel, and their families. Tom Harrison House offers a bespoke 12-week residential programme, designed specifically for those who have served and who may struggle to engage with mainstream, civilian rehabilitation services.
Phone number: 0151 909 8481
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)
Open to anyone who knows or thinks that they have a problem with sex addiction, love addiction, romantic obsession, co-dependant relationships, fantasy addiction, and/or sexual, social or emotional anorexia. SLAA are a twelve step, twelve tradition orientated fellowship model, based on Alcoholics Anonymous. They hold meetings regularly, details below:
Recovery Love Live in Liverpool
- 7.00pm - 8.45pm
- Community Recovery Liverpool, 17 Rodney St, Liverpool, L1 9EF
Phone number: 07938 452973
Merseyside Area Narcotics Anonymous (MANA)
Offers support for anyone who suffers from an addiction to drugs, with meetings taking place multiple times a day, seven days a week. For more information, please check their website for up-to-date times for their meetings.
Phone number: 0300 999 1212
Supports people affected or bereaved by addiction, and provides a safe, non-judgemental space for people to share their stories and emotions openly.
Phone number: 0300 888 3853
Offers services for individuals and families struggling with addiction and its consequences, including The Brink of Change programme, their Self Help Addiction Recovery Programme, AD-PASS, and their Moving Parents and Children Together programme.
Phone number: 0151 703 0582
Offers non-judgemental, confidential support for individuals struggling with substance misuse and their families.
Phone number: 0151 735 0747